Out Of The Blank

Conversations with people never knowing where it goes


Sunday Aug 22, 2021

Heystek is a Lecturer at UP Physics Department & Radio Astronomer and a lot has changed since his first episode almost two years ago. The UAP report and the idea of colonizing on a planet the innovations of space travel and the data is has to offer is more immense every single day that maybe space colonization isn't as far as we think.

Saturday Aug 21, 2021

Adam is a independent artist and one of the creators of a lot of the merch designs on are store and when he is not creating works of art he's doing my podcast. The trends are always changing and the way entertainment can hook you in with a catchy title or edgy plot seems to be different every time but does it leave you feeling anything.

Friday Aug 20, 2021

Chris is a historian and was just on only seven episodes ago and for most seems recent but for him a lot has changed starting with after fifty one years finally getting vision back in his eye. Chris messaged me saying that through our last chat ep 880 he was getting his vision back during the episode partially and by the night fully restored. Strange coincidence but after being in a few articles and his local newspaper I had to hear and see it for myself.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021

Vini is an occultist and can track his lineage to the original Knights Templar Order coming back on again to teach me about a thing called Younger Dryas. The Younger Dryas is the youngest and longest of three stadials, which resulted from typically abrupt climatic changes that took place over the last 16,000 years. According to the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, one or two comet fragments hit Earth, causing a catastrophic shift in the climate and the mass extinction of the ice age megafauna between 13,000 to 9,000 years ago. During that time, humans switched from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to ones centered on agriculture and the creation of permanent settlements, maybe in response to the changing environment, This episode might need a few playbacks but he definitely came prepared to chat.

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021

Brandon is a skeptic and podcast host and every time he is on he likes to make a list of topics but seems like we both think into things because i seem to hit every note before he gets to it. The fine line between a conspiracy and a conspiring theory is how deep does it go. The Earth might not be flat but doesn't mean you can out that under the same umbrella as manipulation of public opinion but sources of power in charge.

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021

Corey is a fellow podcaster and been on quite a few times and with his new show "Libservative" its nice to know I'm not the only one focused in on politics. The rapid growth of technology and the exposure it has on people whose ages are younger and younger is good and bad and it truly holds things accountable for their actions. It shows the amount of people that choose to unite together in a world so divided you truly witness power in numbers rather than power in a bank account.

Monday Aug 16, 2021

Bob is owner of “Docs Fusion Fuel” a hot sauce company and has had many of conversations on the show where wisdom and jokes are found. It’s been a year since we first met and through it we have shared many laughs and serious tips to not only motivate but keep us creative in this crazy time.

Sunday Aug 15, 2021

Stefani is a blogger and vocal Anti-Scientologist, using her blog to help spread the horrors of this cult she explains and breakdown a lot of what people hear or see about in news. Hearing many experiences and having a few herself you can peal back the layers of this cult and start to notice the weird or strange things that occur.

Saturday Aug 14, 2021

Kevin is a podcaster and also the other half of Digging In The Dome where Chris has been on here a few times and they both create a fun entertaining show to ease the day. The comedy duo can create a assortment of topics and range into some factual stuff too literally earning the name Digging In The Dome.

Friday Aug 13, 2021

Christopher is a local historian and archaeologist studying in SW Lancashire and N Merseyside. River Alt. focused in Viking Bog Iron sites, And local mounds. History seems to repeat itself but maybe the things we cant explain is because it hasn't been found or chosen not too be looked into. Chris has found remnants that might show that Vikings were here earlier than we thought and the word might not be out because of the roots to paganism.

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