Out Of The Blank
Conversations with people never knowing where it goes
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Eric has been a history teacher for going on 17 years and decided teaching for a job especially history can take a new form and brings it to his podcast called "The Dad Bod History Podcast". Which consists of conversations on various historical (and non-historical) topics, learning and looking through these topics through various eyes and perspectives and learning along the way.
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
It feels like ages but the 5th episode in the saga and many more down the line Mike joins me again and with our discussion's they tend to go everywhere and guaranteed to pick you up when your feeling down. Even though he references star wars a lot he has some points in that it does stand the test of time till cancel culture finds something.
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Kurtis is an MFA graduate from University of Montana Media Arts program. While there, he researched digital media in live performance which explored and interrogated states of agency by incorporating Midi and machine learning systems into live performance. His research focused on questioning states of agency and character in the digital and physical performance space. Also hosting the podcast "American Mayhem Podcast" devoted to Monsters, Martians, Moles, Mobsters, and other various American pop-culture phenomena.
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Chris is the creator, owner & proprietor of "Days Gone By: Low-Cost Genealogy & Family History Services" where researching your past lineage such as who were and where did your family come from. This day and age most people couldn't care for history of their bloodline but what might surprise you is that it can unravel a mystery and you might be related to someone who might have changed said history forever. The past may be the past but its importance is a key to the future.
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Robert is a podcaster from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Host of the SWC+ Round Table (a Star Wars podcast) and co-host of The Roman Pod And Cast. Taking a break from the week and doing a podcast to ease the stress with his friend and co-host where they talk everything from geek culture topics to wherever their minds go, because everything is already serious in todays age might as well have a little fun.
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Ken is a man of many crafts from figure making to podcasting enjoying the fun parts of life with his podcast "Where The Scary Things Are" and "The East Coast Nation Podcast". From horror movies to the interview behind the making of them being able to talk all things with a passion for the art is a good way to spend the day.
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Greg is one of the host's of "History Defeats Itself" A comedy podcast that explores if we, as people, learn from our history or if we're doomed to forever repeat it. Greg much like myself is fascinated with how and why a mind can think the way it does from genetic to personality join us in talking the system and more on this episode.
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Kyle is a social studies teacher originally from upstate New York and currently lives in NC. He is a passionate comic guy who spends much of his time around reading comics and just about everything related to it. He has even gone so far as to use comics within his social studies classes to help his students to be more engaged and entertained while learning.
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Welcome to the world of tomorrow or yesterday sometimes the days get blended together with how it all changes so quickly. What might the future hold or even look like when we still don't have flying cars, well at least what we do know is another episode with Chuck is always a good conversation with the movie man himself.
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Ryan was born and raised in Northern Virginia. After receiving his Bachelor's of Arts in Music from George Mason University, Ryan stayed on at Mason as the full time Ensembles Coordinator for the Green Machine Ensembles. When the COVID-19 quarantine started, Ryan saw the opportunity to launch the Quarantine for Your Thoughts podcast with his friend and roommate John Ervin III. During the time in quarantine we all have had some random fun topics come to mind and putting it out for others to hear and laugh.